ahha damn~ yesterday was soooo funnn~~...NOTT~.
went to school..... den nda bnyk urg aa di skulah...
atleast jahna was der... then we went to da ICT lab..... then hannah came.. and dey both got addictd to C.S jua *like da guyys*.... soo i left..., went dalam primary6 rum... onthefone *with you know who* againn~.... theeeeennnnn... hannah came jua dlm pri6 rum.... and still i was onthefone... and jahnah jz suddenlly disapeAred....which im guessing she's playing c.s.......
then my eyes bangkang.... my right eye acctually... bgs si KHAIRI TUMBUK!.. urgggghhh~~ eheheh... then hannah and me went to garai... to meet kuya janno(hannah's boifie, my soo called cuzzzinnn) hahaha....
soo yeaaaaa,,, then tym balik i had to walk hamoe since i dunt have transport...
onmyway home..... it started to rainnn~ uhuhuhuh..... then ada tia dis car lintas me..... then da guy in dat car was like smile'ing at me in a flirtishhh way....sooo i jz ignored...... then after a while a car was following frm behind.... when i turned... it was dat car lagi... gylaaa i was sooo scared.. sooo i started to pray hahahaha...... i rili didnt know wat to do..... and dat guy wants me to mcm goo in his car... uuurrgghhH~ soo i ran to my abg pnya haws jz nearby... and i asked him to bring me home.... cz bahhh~ i was sooo scareddd=(.......
soo i reached home.... toook showere.. ate lunch at 2 ahhaha.... went next door to my cuzin's haws *which is jz a smal 2 year old kid * hehehehe.. took pictures of em.... kiyut aaa aanak atuu~~ shiiissshhh~ i wanna like squeeze him~~ then i stayed der sampai kul 6 kali.. hahhaha
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